A foundation to keep building upon.

At Inspire EdVentures, we have a passion for furthering research in the fields of ecology, biology, and/or conservation, and we invite you to join us in our efforts! We provide opportunities for educators, researchers, and students to:

1. Partake in our ongoing research projects, whether it be in-country or remote analysis of photos and/or data;

2. Use our photos and/or data to further your own studies; and

3. Share what you have learned from our research with your own audience.

Jaguar spotted on the prowl in Belize. Conservation. Inspiration. Education.

Spotted on the prowl.

The jaguar is one of the signature animals of Belize, and one that holds a special place in the predominant cultures of Belize. Over the past several years, the nine cameras of our Belize jaguar monitoring project have captured hundreds of images of not only jaguars and the other big cats of Belize, but of many of their prey species. Join us in placing cameras in the country and/or remote analysis of the photos and data.

Student group monitoring water quality in Belize. Conservation. Inspiration. Education.

A head above water.

For over a decade, we have been monitoring the water quality of the Sibun river in Belize. With its sources high in the Mayan Mountains, this river serves as an important watershed for the central areas of the country. Using both chemical and biological (macroinvertebrate) monitoring, we have established an important profile of the health of this river system. Opportunities exist not only for on-site monitoring, but also remote data analysis and comparisons to other watersheds.

Like a fish out of water.

Lionfish hunt Belize. Conservation. Inspiration. Education.

The coral reefs of Belize remain one of the last examples of a healthy reef system in the world. Our EdVentures illuminate the importance of this ecosystem, while providing the ability for participants to remove and dissect the invasive lionfish species. We invite you to explore these amazing reefs in person and/or contribute to remote research projects analyzing data from our EdVentures.

Research with us.