Inspiring Animals - Harpy Eagles

Welcome to our second episode of Inspiring Animals! This month our ecologist Kayla will bring you back to Belize to learn about the third largest raptor in the world - the Harpy Eagle!

harpy eagle at the Belize Zoo

The harpy eagle (Harpagornis harpyja) is one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world, known for its striking appearance and impressive hunting prowess. Found primarily in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, this bird exhibits a robust build with a wingspan that can reach up to 7 feet and a weight that can exceed 20 pounds.

Characterized by its distinctive crest of feathers on the head, the harpy eagle has a gray and white plumage that aids in camouflage within its dense forest habitat. Its strong, curved talons, which can be nearly 5 inches long, are adapted for grasping and carrying large prey, including monkeys and sloths, making it an top predator in its ecosystem.

Harpy eagles are known for their solitary behavior and strong territoriality. They typically build large nests high in the canopy, using twigs and branches, and may reuse these nests for several breeding seasons. The female usually lays one to three eggs, which are incubated for about 56 days. Both parents participate in raising the chicks, which remain dependent on them for several months after fledging.

Despite their majesty, harpy eagles face threats from habitat loss due to deforestation and human encroachment. Conservation efforts are underway in various regions to protect their habitats and ensure the survival of these magnificent birds.

Did You Know?

  • Harpy eagles mate for life. A pair will usually stay together to raise their young.

  • Harpy eagles lay only one or two eggs every 2-3 years. The parents focus on raising a single chick, which stays dependent on them for up to two years.

  • In many indigenous cultures, the Harpy eagle is seen as a symbol of power and a guardian of the rainforest.

  • The eagle gets its name from the harpies of Greek mythology—winged spirits known for their swift and powerful presence.


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